Community Concert - Fundraiser for Ukraine
On July 24th 2022, we held a Community Concert to fundraise money for Ukraine. This concert featured performers by 3 of our students, our tutors (Shenhav, Raya and Ethan), 2 guest performers, and a speaker from Ukraine. We managed to fundraise a whopping $1100 for the fundraiser - see link here: This fundraiser is run by Rita McCabe, and is helping disabled and refugee children in Ukraine with food and essential supplies. We were very glad to be able to help them out, and bring members of our wonderful community together for this worthy cause. Enjoy the pictures and videos from the concert below.
Our piano student Hallam (11) playing with our guest performer John (15).
Our tutors (Shenhav, Raya and Ethan) playing ‘Passacaglia’ Trio by Handel Halvorsen.
Our guest performer, Meka, playing and singing her own composition - ‘Guardian Angel’.